

Class Offerings for the 2025-2026 School Year

Registration Fee (non-refundable) $100 for first child, $60 each additional child


TERRIFIC TWOS – Children must be 2 ½ by September 1, 2025

  9:00-11:30 Morning 9:00-2:00 Full Day
 Tuesday/Thursday 2 Day $268.00 $344.00
Monday/Wednesday/Friday 3 Day $354.00 $494.00
Monday – Friday 5 Day $494.00 $743.00


PRESCHOOL THREES– Children must be 3 by October 1, 2025

  9:00-11:30 Morning 9:00-2:00 Full Day
 Tuesday/Thursday 2 Day $255.00 $332.00
Monday/Wednesday/Friday 3 Day $337.00 $468.00
Monday – Friday 5 Day $468.00 $710.00


PRE-K FOURS – Children must be 4 by October 1, 2025

  9:00-11:30 Morning 9:00-2:00 Full Day
 Tuesday/Thursday 2 Day $255.00 $332.00
Monday/Wednesday/Friday 3 Day $337.00 $468.00
Monday – Friday 5 Day $468.00 $710.00

For the consistency of the children and the teachers, please choose one of the class schedules listed above. 

If none of these schedules fit your needs, please see Mrs. Kane, in the office.


~Families with more than 1 child attending during the same school year will receive a 5% discount on all but the first child.

~Tuition is divided into ten equal payments.  Your first tuition payment is due by August 1, 2025.  A monthly late fee of $25.00 will be imposed if tuition is received later than the 10th of the month. The final payment will be due on May 1, 2026.

~Only one discount can be applied per child.

~No deductions can be made for emergency closings, public health emergencies, daily or extended absences during the school year.  Should a student be withdrawn before the end of the school year, no refunds can be made.



BEFORE AND AFTER CARE is available to current students from 7 to 9 am and 2 to 5 pm.  We offer a pre-billed rate of $9 per hour (billed in monthly increments) or an as-needed rate of $10.50 per hour.